Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Sunny 16 Rule for Macro

Signs of Spring series 1-2
Originally uploaded by Dalantech.
When I wrote about exposing for two light sources I explained how I had exposed the image for the sky and for the flash, but I didn’t fully explain how I was using the ambient light or how easy it is to do. So I’m going to give you my Sunny 16 Rule for Macro, but first an explanation of what the Sunny 16 Rule is…

If you are shooting on a bright sunny day then you can set your Fstop to 16, and your shutter speed to the reciprocal of the ISO that you are using. So if you want to shoot at ISO 100 then your shutter speed is 1/100 of a second. Need to shoot at 1/200? Then set you ISO to 200. With those settings you’ll get pretty close to the ambient exposure on a bright sunny day –when shooting toward infinity…

You can easily shift the exposure around, you just have to make sure that you keep the ratio between Fstop, shutter speed, and ISO the same. Want to shoot at F11 instead of F16 and stay at ISO 200? No problem –you can increase your shutter speed by a stop to 1/400 of a second (it would have been 1/200 at F16) to eliminated the stop you gained by moving from F16 to F11. Or if you wanted to set your Fstop to 11 and your ISO to 100 then you could increase the shutter speed to 1/200 of a second. Piece of cake…

But what about shooting at life size –does the Sunny 16 Rule still work? It does, but you have to take into account the effective aperture you’re shooting at when the lens is focused at life size, which is two Fstops higher than what you have the camera set to. If you have your camera set to F16 then the effective aperture at life size is actually F32. You’ll have to make up that two stop loss and if you wanted to keep your shutter speed at 1/200 of a second you’ll have to set the ISO to 800…

But lately when shooting at life size I’ve been using F11 which is effectively F22. That’s only one Fstop higher than 16, and if I want to keep the shutter at 1/200 of a second then all I have to do is set the ISO to 400 and on the 40D that’s not a problem –and with good noise removal ISO 400 isn’t an issue on most cameras (I use Noiseware Professional). So with the camera set to F11, 1/200 of a second, and ISO 400 I am pretty close to the ambient exposure for the background –but not the subject! Since the sun is the light source, and it’s so far away, the number of photons per square centimeter that are bouncing off of things in the scene and back into the camera is the same, no matter what the distance between them and the camera is. But distant objects will reflect more light into the camera than objects that are close simply because the surface area of distance objects is larger. Larger objects reflect more sunlight –a no brainer. So the farther away an object is the better the exposure for that object will be with the Sunny 16 Rule.

This is where the flash comes in. Since the ambient light is exposing the background it’s a simple matter of putting the flash into E-TTL mode and letting the camera determine the exposure for the foreground. The end result is a nice balance between the ambient sunlight and the flash. You have to diffuse the flash, and the better the diffusion is the smoother the transition between the flash light and the sunlight will be. It’s also best to under expose a little with the flash.

The image I’ve included with this post is an example of using the Sunny 16 Rule for Macro, and it’s the third time I’ve used it in a blog post. As soon as I have another example of this technique I’ll change the image ;)

A final note: At life size I could set the Fstop to 11 (effectively F22), the ISO to 200, and the shutter speed to 1/100 of a second to expose for the background. But when using the Sunny 16 Rule for Macro I’m shooting close the ambient exposure for the subject, how close depends on the angle of the sun –if it’s over my shoulder then there is a lot of sunlight hitting the subject and coming right back into the camera and I might not be able to freeze all motion with the flash. I still need to experiment with shifting the shutter speed instead of the ISO to see how much I can lower the shutter speed and still get a sharp subject. If you want to experiment on your own one way to do it, and to see the effectiveness of the ambient light, is to set up your camera and take a few shots without the flash turned on. If the subject is completely black in the frame then the flash will freeze the motion for you even if you’re using F11, ISO 100, and 1/50 of a second.


  1. wow what a great blog..that has helped me so much..its a sunny day im off out side to do some far the flash thing is working great..its looking like im using ratio control but im not..all these blogs have helped me out so much..keep up the good work.. m.j

  2. It seems technique,proper tools, talent can give rise to good things to see and look upon and you have certainly helped me to come closer to this subject in a big way of macroing the world we often pass by on our way to where we are going. Thanks so very much

  3. Thanks for the kind words Jesephus666 :)

  4. Thanks for your posts and articles. I'm starting to get my head around the concepts of flash photography. I have a question: how do you meter? When you say to adjust your settings for ambient light and let the flash light the subject, what type of metering are you using (spot, center-weight, evaluative), and if spot, then where do you meter? Thanks again!

  5. Thanks Adam :)

    I'm not using any metering at all except for the flash (and I'm letting the camera do it via E-TTL II). For the sky it's not necessary since the Sunny 16 Rule for Macro will get you pretty close to the ambient exposure for the background. So close that you can just estimate the exposure and not worry about it.
