Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Image Thief

Image Thief
Originally uploaded by Dalantech.
This is the reason why I don't allow the general public to view my full sized images on Flickr anymore. That photo isn't "free", and I never gave that (L)user the right to add it to their gallery.

Note to Flickr: I love the site, but you really have to give the photographer better options for how their images are displayed. I'd love to give the public access to slightly bigger image files (even though I risk getting robbed) but until that happens I'll just send everyone to my Deviant Art account...


  1. I don't understand how there is a difference between DevArt and Flickr. Images can be taken from either site. DA definitely acts swifter and harder against illegitimate usage of images on their website, but images can just as easily be swiped on either site.

    That same image on Deviant Art is posted under a Creative Commons 3 license. Creative Commons gives people the license to use your images with attribution in non-commercial and non-derivative forms. Since the image was not sold or edited by this user, their use is fair play. More info about Creative Commons can be found here: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ your username listed with the title could be seen as attribution.

    I'd probably suggest changing your license options on your images if you do not like this happening.

  2. First there is no difference: Images can be stolen from any site. But one of the reoccurring complaints that I get from Flickr members is that they'd like to see larger versions of my images. The only way for me to do that is to cut special versions of my photos just for Flickr -and I'm just not going to do it when it would be a lot easier for the code wizards at Flickr to allow me to set the default size that I'm willing to let people have. Deviant Art can do it...

    That Creative Commons license gives people the right to use my photos for non commercial, non profit use. No where in that license does it say that someone can post one of my images on their gallery and offer it for free to someone who might use it for a commercial purpose. I'd probably suggest that you take another look at what a CC3 license means...

  3. I know people who can remove watermarks in seconds, and everyone else will complain about them...

  4. You could try setting up a flash based gallery for your images, then post smaller images to Flickr with a link to your Flash gallery to view a larger version.

    People would still be able to steal the larger images if they wanted, but it would be a lot more work for them than just right click and save.

  5. That's why I have a gallery at Deviant Art -so people can see larger images.
