Thursday, October 8, 2009

Macro Spotlight - John Hallmen

You might know John Hallmen as morfa over at Juza Nature Forum and if you don't know him at all then you're seriously missing out on one of the top macro photographers on the web today! John's work represents what macro should be -well composed images that show the viewer what it's like to see the world from the critter's perspective. He shoots with a mix of natural light and flash, and he never harms his subjects for a photo. The image I've linked with this post is just a test shot he took while trying out a new lens.

Head on over to John's photo stream at Flickr and get educated...


  1. A test shot? Wish I could get some test shots like that. Has his lighting well under control too, no glaring hot spots.

  2. @ PvR John Hallmen has some mad skills...
