Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Crown Bees

Hatching Female Mason Bee II
I'm getting a lot of good feedback on my recent Mason Bee photos. One of the things that's come to my attention is that a lot of you don't know that you can raise your own Mason Bees -it's really easy! Crown Bees sells complete kits including the bees. Now there's no guarantee that the girls are going to nest in your house, but even if they don't one of the species already in your area might, and if they both nest in your house even better! They're very gentle, they won't sting unless you step on them, and they are great pollinators! Even though I have a small garden we have to give fruits and vegetables away every year -the girls are really that good! Plus they're a lot of fun to watch :) The photo included with this post is one of the Mason bees hatching out from last year's nesting season, and the wooden tray she's on is from the bee house that I bought from Crown Bees.

Note that I'm not including affiliate links in this post -I'm not trying to make money from you. What I do want is for more people to get interested in these beautiful creatures, and to see their population in the wild get stronger. We need them folks...

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