Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Getting Published

I was contacted via Flickr by a teacher in Singapore who was writing a book for elementary students and he wanted to use one of my photos. Their budget is small so they can’t afford to pay for images, but they were more than willing to give me a photo credit in the book. Of course I said yes –the idea that my work would be useful to school children is incredibly satisfying (I teach about networking and computers in my day job). But I was curious about which image he wanted to use so I sent him a Flickr mail but got no response.

So I asked again, still nothing.

I asked one last time (adding that I wasn’t sure about the image he wanted to use since I have almost 1000 photos in my gallery) but my hopes were starting to fade. I’ve had people ask me for permission to use my images before only to never hear from them again. But he did contact me with this message late last night:

“Hi John,

Actually, its 2am here and my work here has stopped for tonight because I have spent the last 2 hours looking at your 1000 photos!! They are the best macros I have come across!

With your permission, I would like to include about 10 images into the books - we have many chapters that include references to arthropods. Because we are only in the prepress stages, I do not know exactly which images will make it to final press. Basically, I have downloaded 10-15 images and have asked the designer to incorp.

Please do give me your direct email and I will keep you informed. You can contact me at (email address withheld).

Thanks again


I’m looking forward to seeing the book :)

If you are an instructor and you need images for a book or magazine article just send me an email and we'll work something out. All it cost Matt was a photo credit and a link to my gallery in the book...


  1. Congratulations!
    It's true that your pictures are great as your articles in your blog

    Keep going on!
