Saturday, January 5, 2008

Keep Trying Different Things

Time Slices series 5-3
Originally uploaded by Dalantech.
While I was in the toy section of a store with my yungins today I saw some Creepy Crawlers Official Plasti-Goop (it’s some sort of liquid plastic). I wasn’t going to buy the stuff for my 6 year old daughter and 4 year old boy –not if I wanted to stay on my wife’s good side at least. But as I was looking at the stuff I wondered how well it would work in my water drop studio so I bought some of it.

After several attempts I just couldn’t come up with a decent shot of a splash and it took a little while to realize that the liquid plastic was just too viscous –if I could drop it from a couple of meters I might see something, but otherwise the force of the impact wasn’t enough to produce a splash. Not wanting to give up I decided to put some of the yellow Plasti-Goop on my splash target and hit it with some milk that I had colored blue just to see what would happen.

Well I got the plashes I was looking for and the milk wouldn’t mix with the liquid plastic, so I could take multiple photos and not get a puddle of green on my splash target. The resulting images are some of the best splash photos I’ve taken to date and my wife doesn’t think I’m crazy for playing with a kid’s toy ;)

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